As a kid growing up in the woods of North Carolina there wasn't much to do but play in the woods or go fishing at the near by lakes. Which i loved and was excited, cause I got to go with my dad. My dad taught me how to fish the right way, to only fish for what you needed and could eat. Now I'm a dad myself, as soon as my son was old enough to fish I taught him the same views as my dad taught me. We are little older now, and the only time we catch a fish now, it's with our eyes and a camera.
My dad passed away back in July 2017, he was a great man. I look back on all the things he taught me in life as a kid and adult. Things i thought he was just BSing me about. I now know he was right on things. He must have known about over fishing and affects it would bring years later, especially in our ocean's water. The Earth's surface is covered by 71% water, 97% of that is saltwater. We need our ocean's to live, without it, we all would die. They produce more than half of the oxygen in the atmosphere, and absorb the most carbon from it.
It's now 2023, our world seems to just keep falling apart. Climate change is a huge part of the problem, but us as humans are the ones that contribute to the destruction of our mother earth. This year I'm going to make more of an effort to do my part in the change we all need to be doing if we want our planet earth to be around and healthy for our kids and our kids kids.
2019 was the hardest year I've ever went through, my beautiful mother passed away on mother's day. Her heart just wasn't strong enough to keep her here anymore, I just think she missed my dad to much. Her heart was broken without him. As much as I have been hurting and lost without her here, I know she is in a better place with her one true love. I miss her so much. So in honor of my mother and father, I'm going to try my hardest to do my part in making this world a better place to live in. Just one small thing over time makes a big differences . So please join me this year in 2023 and take our planet back. There is no planet B!!
So why are we destroying and killing it each and every day? In 2016 a study estimated that around eight million metric tons of our plastic waste enter the oceans from land each year. If 2,205 pounds equals 1 metric tons. Just guess how many pounds of plastic is added to the oceans each year. Well that's a shit load of plastic!!! Plastic is being found in the stomach of dead birds, fish, turtles, whales, it's in about every marine life in the ocean. Which in turns ends up on your dinner plate. Something really needs to be done now to stop this. We all need to do our part to stop this deadly cycle to our ocean's and to our planet. I'm no saint when it comes to plastics. I'm trying to do my part, no straws, plastic bags, plastic bottles, the list goes on. If we all try little at a time, it will make a BIG difference. I've teamed up with PADI AWARE (a non profit organization) to help them stop and educate what plastic does to our oceans and help Sharks and Rays. Please help me help them save our ocean's, the time is now, before it's to late .
Please read up on PADI AWARE yourself and see all the good they are doing. When you are ready, (hopefully now) click on my link "Donate Today" to PADI AWARE.. Nothing is too small of a donation. Every little bit helps!! So, thank you very much!!
PADI AWARE is a global movement of change makers taking action for ocean protection. We empower people to be agents of positive change for the ocean scaling local actions locally for global impact. Together, we rally community support, help implement policies to protect the most vulnerable marine species and take action - in and out of the water - to help save the ocean.
Marine Debris
PADI AWARE works towards solutions that address the prevention and reduction of marine debris. Whether reporting marine debris data through Dive Against Debris® or advocating for long-term policy change, you can make a difference! Learn more about how PADI AWARE works on a local and global scale to stop trash from entering the ocean.
Sharks & Rays
Overfishing, by catch and finning are threatening shark and ray populations across the globe, with the survival of many species at high risk of extinction. PADI AWARE's global movement is taking a stand for sharks. Together, we are creating a powerful, collective voice for grassroots change, securing stronger safeguards for many shark and ray species.
Visit them at for more information.